Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Thank to the 4 days off my parents got on the occasion of the independence anniversary, we went to a natural resort called "Burabay". It is a big territory filled with forests, lakes and beautiful mountains.
My dad and Amir
getting ready for the evening walk in the village where we stayed overnight. My dad and Amir decided to swap the hats
mom and dad
next day we visited museum of natural wealth of this region - birds, animals, insects, minerals, everything was represented in big variety.
walking in the forest
this deer is living in a zoo
unique rock in the middle of the lake reminding of a girl's profile. Legend says the girl threw herself from the cliff into the waters of the lake and turned into this rock. We were able to walk towards it this time, as the lake is solid frozen.


Coral said...

Hey Tahmina and Amir, love the pics, keep them coming! Miss you guys much. :)

Mutale and Jarrett said...

Beautiful pictures... hope you had a wonderful holiday with mama and papa!!!! take care.