Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sacred Experience

floor tiles in Ridvan garden
sea shore in Akka
flowers at one of the Monuments
Olive park in Bahji
Reading before going to Akka

Pilgrimage has been really a Sacred Experience. One of the purposes is to re-fresh or for some people to establish special connection with God and the central figures of the Faith by visiting the Holy Shrines and the Holy Places associated with their lifes. It is a very thoughtful experiece, one re-considers his whole life during pilgrimage, finds answers to his questions and goes home full of determination to serve his Lord. Since everyone has this chance in life at one point, i thought i won't post pictures we made in the Holy Places, but rather try to convey the spirit of love and fellowship that united us with other pilgrims. And may be to post pictures of some cute moments and small elements that made our journey special apart from the main impression.

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