Wednesday, December 06, 2006

where we are

Finally some pictures from where we are. my parents live at the north of Kazakhstan, very close to Russian Siberia. Therefore we have all four seasons, the winters are cold, the springs are beautiful, the summers are short and pleasant, the falls are warm and colourful. The town is rather small, only 150000 population. Almost every third person you meet on the street you know or saw before. for me who hasn't been here for a while, it's may be every 15th person...:):) These pictures were taken on the second day after our arrival, it was around -18C
For Amir it was a first time to see this kind of winter. He was very excited. the snow here is dry becouse the climat is dry, which makes it easierto bear . But the snow doesn't turn into a snowball, unless you pour some water on it...
Amir was also excited to see how much steam comes out of our moouths! but one's gotta be careful not to breathe with ones' mouth all the time, sore throat is very common for this reason.
happy to be home...

1 comment:

Mutale and Jarrett said...

Wow! Snow...beautiful pictures... looking at the snow made me feel cold... you must be happy seeing snow again... Miss you Taha...