Monday, August 20, 2007

week 20

today's visit to doctor showed that i am 20 weeks pregnant, for the last months i gained 5 kg (!), my blood test was good, blood pressure is normal, the baby is happy (i added that) and that i need to consume more calcium. In two weeks i have an ultrasound appointment, until then we won't know whome we are expecting for sure:):) last ultrasound didn't show any such details. the baby started kicking three weeks ago, i didn't know it was supposed to kick every day, so i was kind of tired of it moving too much inside me. second week of kicking was not as intense and on the third week i am completely used to it, and if i don't feel any movement, I start worrying. for the past week i had backpain during my sleep which made my nights sleepless. the last two days pain went down to my legs, i had trouble walking last night... i shared these feelings with doctor and she conlcuded that i am lacking calcium, whereas my opinion is that it is the neuralgy caused by weight increase of my baby and pressure on my nerves in lower back. i will have more calcium for the next two weeks and see if the pain goes away. not sleeping at night made me realize that from this time on my nights won't be so calm any more, especially first months after the baby arrives. luckily i have a very caring and helpful husband, cannot wait to share parenting experience with him!

1 comment:

leila said...

so lovely to hear these updates, tahachka---but i'm sorry you're in pain! i can't wait to meet you three (again). sooner rather than later, you know.

love you,