Tuesday, September 04, 2007

last night

was so much fun! we had our second ultrasound! we went to another lady who was soo nice to us, showed us everything - his cute little heart which was bitting so fast!, kidneys, legs, arms, feet, hands, head, brains, spine and ribs, and even genitals. it's a boy!!!!! to make sure, she showed it from differenet sides, it was very clear! she said our boy is doing great, then we saw him moving his arm inside, it looked like he was waving at us:):) he is quite active, constantly moving, rolling, he still has some space to do it:):):) she also showed us his eyes, they are big! we came out absolutely amazed of his progress since last ultrasound, and happy that everything is good. next time will be the last before delivery - to see his position at 34 weeks. thank you again for all your prayers!

much love...


Mutale and Jarrett said...

Yey! Glad everything is well, and look forward to seeing pictures soon. Take care and all the very best.

Much love,

Penina said...

Oh Tahmina and Amir, we are so happy to hear the wonderful news! Congratulations! We look forward to seeing photos of your baby boy!

Love Matt and Penina