Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I have never been this close to war. It was exciting in the beginning just because it was different, but then excitement turned into stress as I would become overwhelmed by the news of how many people died in it. I learned a lot in this 34 days. Never ever in my life I appreciated clear skies and quite days as I do now. The cease fire has been in effect for 26 hours. Really, it feels so good to be able just to be outside and enjoy the sun and peaceful atmosphere, although tension is still felt in the air, because it's all temporary. It feels like this state of peace is so natural to the world, that's how it meant to be, that's how it should be always. People create problems for themselves. I am praying for lasting peace to come to this land. But, in a way, I am grateful for this opportunity to be here during this time, if you know what I mean, it has been a good experience to learn from. Feels like eyes are seeing differently.

We pray God - exalted be His glory - and cherish the hope that He may graciously assist the manifestations of affluence and power and the daysprings of sovereignty and glory, the kings of the earth - may God aid them through His strengthening grace - to establish the Lesser Peace. This, indeed, is the greatest means for insuring the tranquillity of the nations. It is incumbent upon the Sovereigns of the world - may God assist them - unitedly to hold fast unto this Peace, which is the chief instrument for the protection of all mankind. It is Our hope that they will arise to achieve what will be conducive to the well-being of man. (Baha'u'llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Page: 30)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »