Friday, June 01, 2007

we have moved to Almaty and Taha is already working. it was truly a blessing, we arrived in Almaty on monday, on the same day she had an interview, and on wednesday she started working! such luck. Amir had few interviews already and everywhere they were interested in hiring him, but because his residence permit is not YET (!!!) ready, he is enjoying his time exploring the city, visiting different places, meeting local Bahais, etc... who knew it's going to take so long! we certainly didn't expect it. well, another test to deal with:):):):) we are staying with my sister and her husband here, andthe third sister is also with us, so we are having a lot of fun together! will post pictures soon.


Lindsay Lamar said...

Good to have an update! I can't wait to see photos of your new home, and I hope Amir's work permit goes through soon!

Unknown said...

Glad for you guys! Oh, tests, sure...
Especially for young family... Too boring without them, huh :)
Be sure on our prayers as well!
We are fine, yesterday I got few Cds from Nell Golden, some classical music and our choir concert programm on CD. Such a warm memories! Take care guys, good luck and miss you!
Visit our blog at
Text is in Russian, but you can enjoy the pictures as well!
Love-love, Lena.Igor.Sasha.

Noushin said...

Amir and Taha joon, I am so happy to hear that you guys are doing so well! Congratulations on your new job and new home!