Friday, March 30, 2007

these days are the days of transition from winter to spring. one day it may be warm, snow melts, sun shines, birds warble. the other day snow comes again. yesterday snowflakes were huge and were falling as if winter doesn't even think of giving the turn for spring.
my little cuties are singing a song with me at the English class
we were learning emotions, i asked them to make an angry face!
Hot tea Samovar at NawRuz celebration 22 March. It is a National holiday in Kazakhstan just like in all Central Asia countries.
crafts sale at NawRuz celebration
walking around with my auntie! the weather was very nice!
Kazakh Yurtas (traditional houses) were spread out all over the central square of our little town. Inside you could see the traditional furnishing, try traditional food, like NawRuz Kozhe, a dish made only during this holiday, watch traditional rituals and listen to traditional songs.

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